Monday, September 20, 2010
AlumiFuel Power, Inc. CEO Represents Alternative Energy Sector on Corporate Growth Panel
Early production stage hydrogen generation company AlumiFuel Power, Inc. ("API"), the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-based wholly-owned operating subsidiary of AlumiFuel Power Corporation (OTC.BB:AFPW - News) (the "Company"), announced today that its CEO was recently featured in a CEO panel discussion sponsored by the Philadelphia area chapter of the Association for Corporate Growth (ACG).
ACG is a global organization for middle market business leaders and dealmakers focused on corporate growth strategies and Mergers & Acquisition activities. The September 16 panel presentation was dedicated to "hot industry" sectors poised for growth. Mr. David Cade, API's President and CEO, represented the Alternative Energy sector, while two other company CEOs covered the Health Care industry and the Logistics/Transportation sector. The panel members addressed growth drivers in their respective industries, including organic growth, legislative/regulatory changes, and mergers & acquisitions.
In his presentation to this large audience, Mr. Cade discussed the various components of the Alternative Energy sector -- ranging from solar power and wind power to nuclear power. Of particular interest to the audience were the significant emerging growth opportunities involving Natural Gas and Hydrogen fuels for vehicular applications and distributed/portable power applications, reducing the dependence on foreign oil. Mr. Cade also detailed the many Alternative Energy opportunities in Europe now being pursued by AlumiFuel Power International, Inc.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
AlumiFuel Power Corporation Files Current Report on Form 8-K Updating European Financing Plans
In March 2010, the Company and AFPI retained the services of Rathbourne Mercantile, Ltd. to serve as the Company's advisor in connection with the sale of certain of the Company's AFPI shares to institutional investors in the German financial marketplace as well as the listing of AFPI's common stock on the German Deutsche B�rse stock exchange. In connection with the Company's proposed sale of the common stock, Rathbourne commissioned a valuation study of AFPI by an independent valuation company, Geneva Rothweil Partners, Ltd., which study opined a market valuation for AFPI at March 31, 2010 of approximately $50,000,000.
The Company's principals have currently scheduled a trip to Germany for the week of June 14, 2010 to meet with institutional investors, stock exchange officials, and potential lead brokers. Although there is no assurance the Company will successfully sell any of its AFPI shares to German institutional investors or complete a listing of AFPI's common stock on the Deutsche B�rse stock exchange, the Company's plan is to pursue this course as a means to raise significant capital to fund the Company's and AFPI's commercialization activities as well as other projects currently in development.
The Geneva Rothweil Partners, Ltd. opinion stated the following:
May 17, 2010
Rathbourne Mercantile, Ltd.
Gardenview Court, Suite 205
Encinitas, CA 92024
Dear Rathbourne Mercantile, Ltd.,
The enclosed valuation report has been developed for the exclusive and confidential use of Rathbourne Mercantile, Ltd. The report has been prepared by Geneva Rothweil Partners, Ltd. dated May 17, 2010 and was made by and/or under the direct supervision of the undersigned. The purpose of the valuation is to render an opinion as to the Fair Market Value of the common stock interest, as of March 31, 2010.
In preparing our business valuation report, we have relied upon historical financial information provided to us by management and derived from the companies' Annual report, corporate presentation and projections. This financial information has not been audited, reviewed, or compiled by us and accordingly we do not express an opinion or any form of assurance on this financial information.
Our report is based on historical and prospective financial information provided to us by management and other third parties. Users of this valuation report should be aware that business valuations are based on future earnings potential that may or may not materialize. Therefore, the actual results achieved during the projection period will vary from the projections used in this valuation, and the variations may be material. The accompanying report discusses all the assumptions and limiting conditions that apply to this opinion of value and are integral to the understanding of the opinion
Based upon our study and analytical review procedures, we have concluded that a reasonable estimate of the Fair Market Value of a 100% common stock interest of AlumiFuel Power International, Inc. as of March 31, 2010 is $50,426,200.
This engagement was not contingent upon developing or reporting predetermined results. Our compensation for completing this assignment is not contingent upon the development or reporting of a predetermined value or direction in value that favors the cause of the client, the amount of the value opinion, the attainment of a stipulated result, or the occurrence of a subsequent event directly related to the intended use of this appraisal. Our analyses, opinions, and conclusions were developed, and this report has been prepared, in conformity with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. No one provided significant business appraisal assistance to the person signing this certification.
Sincerely yours,
Geneva Rothweil Partners, Ltd
AlumiFuel Power, Inc. Signs Partnership Agreement with Ingenium Technologies
In addition to its power systems and development engineering expertise, Ingenium’s strengths include marketing and business development involving military and commercial customers, and a track record of program wins and successful program execution. API’s strengths include its practical engineering ability to harness and control the reactions of its AlumiFuel mixes for various applications. The two companies have a synergistic approach to engineering, business and management challenges and opportunities; they intend to target selected Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security and commercial customers and programs in the U.S., as well as allied military and commercial customers in Europe.
API’s Chief Technology Officer, Mr. John Boyle, said: “We are indeed fortunate to have such a powerful path-to-market partner for these important applications. API and Ingenium are confident that this relationship will expand API’s position in the power industry with new applications, programs and customers, and will increase API’s role as a fuel supplier for new energy sources and fuel replenishment systems.“
About Ingenium Technologies, Inc.
Ingenium (, located in Rockford, Illinois, provides world-class, cost-effective product development services and operations consulting services to a diverse client base. Ingenium's engineering staff of over 150 full-time seasoned professionals comes from a vast array of technical disciplines, with broad experience. Ingenium provides turnkey solutions for complex systems, from concept development to design, analysis, prototyping, and certification for both DoD and commercial customers. Ingenium’s clients range in size from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies. Ingenium’s customers’ needs vary from firms that cannot maintain full-time senior engineering resources to businesses that are experiencing peak periods of activity and need to supplement their technical staffs.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Every Once in a While Something Really Great Comes Along. You either join it and make a great income or you pass it by and miss out.
Alumifuel is that Opportunity. Consider:
The World's Largest Helium Deposits are located in TX and they are depleting fast, and may run out within the next 10 years. NASA and the Department of Defense are the largest users of Helium gas. Hydrogen is replacing Helium in Balloons because it is more economical.
Recent Press Releases & 8K filings detail the recent sales x 3 of the companies flagship product the PBIS-1000 and the mass production of the necessary fuel cartridges.
The company has signed, Manufacturing, Production, Packaging and Sales agreements with three Industry leaders. Apex piping systems, ActionPak, Inc and Kaymont Consolidated Industries.
Alumifuels was recently featured in the Philadelphia Business Journal (See article below).
The company was featured on the Lehrer PBS NewsHour Nationwide Telecast.
This is Not a daytrader stock, rather it is more suited for long Term investors seeking a ground floor opportunity in a soon to be highly profitable technology.
Please do your own Due Diligence, It's your Money.
For Fun & Informative Chat Click Here- AFPW. IH message board
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Alumifuels Awarded Navy Contract!.
AlumiFuel Power, Inc. Technology Selected for Navy R&D Contract Award as Power Source for Unmanned Undersea Vehicles
May 12, 2010 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Early production stage hydrogen generation company AlumiFuel Power, Inc. ("API"), the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-based wholly owned operating subsidiary of AlumiFuel Power Corporation (the "Company"), announced today that its hydrogen generation technology has been selected for award of a U.S. Navy R&D contract as a novel new hydrogen source for powering future Unmanned Undersea Vehicles (UUVs).API is part of a team headed by Ingenium Technologies, Inc. ("Ingenium") that was selected for a Phase I award under the Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program. The proposal submitted by Ingenium, a Rockford, Illinois-based defense systems integrator, was in response to an STTR solicitation issued by the U.S. Department of the Navy. In this solicitation, the Navy is seeking a novel hydrogen source to power air independent fuel cells for future UUV missions, which is one of API's primary target applications. The Phase I research will focus on developing a refuelable hydrogen generating system using solid fuel cartridges (similar to those developed and used by API for other applications) and to demonstrate the continuous delivery of fuel-cell grade hydrogen for eight hours.
The solicitation described the Navy's requirement as follows: "Underwater vehicles will serve as key elements in the integrated operations of future surface ships and submarines, providing a range of support functions including autonomous surveillance, mine counter measures, and Special Forces transport. However, current power sources for these vehicles (rechargeable silver-zinc batteries or high-energy primary batteries) do not meet the energy requirements for future missions, or they impose a tremendous logistics burden on the host vessel. Fuel cells offer a viable option for meeting mission energy requirements, and at the same time, they can reduce the host vessel logistics burden if the fuel and oxidizer can be stored in a high energy density format."
As the prime contractor, Ingenium will develop the overall system design, with API's hydrogen generation technology as the key fuel source component of the proposed design. In addition to subcontracting power source tasks to API, Ingenium will use Drexel University as its research institution partner. Drexel was included in the proposal because of the relevant AlumiFuel powder research that API conducts at the Drexel Nanotechnology Institute, and the world-class microscopy equipment, facilities and technical personnel at the Institute will add significant contributions to the development effort.
Phase I awards typically are $70,000 for seven months, with a 3-month $30,000 option. The intended project and funding start date is July 1, 2010. Following the successful completion of Phase I R&D, the Ingenium-led STTR team will apply for Phase II funding, which normally entails an award of up to $750,000 and moves the project closer to commercialization. Awards of up to $5 million are typical for Phase III funding, which would result in integration of the technology into different host platforms for subsequent procurement by the Navy.
API has been involved with selected defense contractors in the design of novel energy generators to power U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and commercial UUVs and submersibles for over two years (see API news releases of March 16, 2010 and March 2, 2010). This design work has involved the generation of superheated steam as well as hydrogen.
The API UUV hydrogen generator is based on the same powerful chemical reaction currently used in the PBIS-1000 hydrogen generator used to fill weather balloons (see API news release of April 6, 2010). In this UUV application, however, the hydrogen would be used to power a fuel cell. API's hydrogen generator has already demonstrated the start and stop capabilities of the system, similar to the steam generator.
API's President & CEO, Mr. David Cade, stated, "We are very excited to participate in the development of a UUV power system for the Navy that uses our hydrogen generation technology, which we see as the first step towards development and commercialization of our multiple power source approach for UUVs. This award has given us a wonderful opportunity to take the first step in fielding a novel power source that will offer substantial benefits compared to existing technologies. We are confident that through the combined efforts of the Ingenium team, we will be able to successfully develop and deliver such a power source, which would enhance the Navy's war fighting capabilities."
About Ingenium Technologies, Inc.
Ingenium (, located in Rockford, Illinois, provides world-class, cost-effective product development services and operations consulting services to a diverse client base. Ingenium's engineering staff of over 150 full-time seasoned professionals comes from a vast array of technical disciplines, with broad experience. Ingenium provides turnkey solutions for complex systems, from concept development to design, analysis, prototyping, and certification for both DoD and commercial customers. Ingenium's clients range in size from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies. Ingenium's customers' needs vary from firms that cannot maintain full-time senior engineering resources to businesses that are experiencing peak periods of activity and need to supplement their technical staffs.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
“The Europeans have a more aggressive outlook toward alternative energy,” he said. This could trigger the phenomenon known Arbitrage. Basically if two or more security's are sold on different exchanges and one rises the other will also rise to create equilibrium between the two.
More Information on Arbitrage and why it can make an Investor a lot of money →
Complete article below.
AlumiFuel delivers first of its hydrogen-making reactors
A company that has developed a proprietary method for making hydrogen from aluminum and water has delivered the first production models of a machine that generates the gas for use in weather balloons.
AlumiFuel Power Inc. recently delivered three of its PBIS-1000 Portable Balloon Inflation Systems to Kaymont Consolidated Industries Inc., a Huntington Station, N.Y., weather-balloon supplier.AlumiFuel, which is in the University City Science Center, expects Kaymont to buy more this quarter.
AlumiFuel is developing other applications for its technology, which produces super-heated steam as well as hydrogen. Those include flameless heaters for prepackaged meals, such as the ones troops eat, and propulsion systems for the Navy’s unmanned underwater vessels, or UUVs.
The technology won’t be able to produce hydrogen in large enough quantities for hydrogen-powered cars, should those become available, CEO David Cade said.
Methods for producing hydrogen from aluminum and water have been around for years, but AlumiFuel has developed proprietary additives that enable it to control the reaction, Cade said.
That, he said, enables it to develop applications tailored to specific tasks, such as generating lift gas for balloons that often are launched from remote areas.
“Nobody else in the world has developed a product like you will see here,” he said of the PBIS-1000.
Cade has a long history in the alternative-energy field. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, he was president and then CEO of Lithium Technology Corp., a Plymouth Meeting-based maker of lithium fuel cells. After that, he was president of the Americas for ABSL Power Solutions Ltd., an English maker of lithium-ion power systems.
AlumiFuel Power Inc. is a subsidiary of a publicly traded company based in Centennial, Colo., that it joined in a reverse merger last year. The publicly traded company used to be called Inhibiton Therapeutics Inc. but changed its name to AlumiFuel Power Corp. after the reverse merger.
Cade said AlumiFuel Power Corp. has formed another subsidiary, AlumiFuel Power International, which will enable it to be traded on the German Bourse and raise money from European investors.
“The Europeans have a more aggressive outlook toward alternative energy,” he said.
AlumiFuel’s growth plans also involve partnerships. Kaymont is its partner for lift-gas applications of its technology and Cade said it’s working with several defense contractors on applications for UUV propulsion systems.
AlumiFuel has two manufacturing partners for its portable balloon inflation systems: Apex Piping Systems Inc. of Newark, Del., which makes the machines; and ActionPak Inc. of Bristol, maker of the cartridges of powdered aluminum and AlumiFuel additives that, when mixed with water, enable the machines to produce hydrogen.
Additionally, AlumiFuel has Drexel University as a research partner. The company is a member of Drexel’s Materials and Nanotechnology Consortium and uses Drexel’s electron microscopes to analyze its material both before and after it reacts with water. It also is using a technology that Drexel is developing called in-situ microscopy that enables it to see its material through an electron microscope as it reacts with water.
“No one has done this for any sort of reaction,” said Sean McIntosh, AlumiFuel’s director of engineering.
The first market AlumiFuel is going after, lift gas, used to be dominated by helium, but a helium shortage has put hydrogen back on the map in the market, which AlumiFuel estimates at $70 million annually and growing.
AlumiFuel’s machine is transportable to remote locations. Users only have to supply it with cartridges, which look like 32-ounce cans, and any type of water available. Other hydrogen systems require users to transport large canisters of the gas to and from their launch sites.
The next application AlumiFuel is closest to having ready is its heaters. It has presented its product concept and test results to the Defense Department, and is working to become qualified as a subcontractor to the three companies that supply prepackaged meals to troops.
Monday, March 15, 2010
AlumiFuel Power, Inc. Announces Further Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Fuel Technology Advancements.
The hydrogen generator is based on the same powerful chemical reaction currently used in the PBIS-1000 hydrogen generator (see API news release of February 9, 2010). In this application, however, the hydrogen is used to power a fuel cell instead of filling a weather balloon. The prototype steam generator will be sized very similar to the superheated steam generator, and will be used to power a 100W fuel cell for several days. It will also demonstrate the start and stop capabilities of the system, similar to the steam generator. The calculated system energy density of a hydrogen powered fuel cell system has the potential to be equivalent to or even greater than that of superheated steam-driven turbines. This improved energy density is a result of much higher efficiency fuel cells, some achieving efficiencies in excess of 50%.
API’s plan is to ultimately integrate these two generators as a hybrid power source on board an underwater platform to further advance AlumiFuel’s already high energy density – five times that of lithium batteries, which equates to significant increases in range and operating time for critical Navy missions. Each type of generator would be activated at different times, depending on the mission requirements and profile.
API’s Director of Engineering, Mr. Sean McIntosh, said, “The development of a hydrogen generator to run a fuel cell for UUV applications fits very nicely with our work on the superheated steam generators for underwater propulsion. In one case the power source comes from superheated steam and generates hydrogen as a byproduct, and in the other case, it is the exact opposite. The outcome is two very similar looking reactors, which actually doubles the return on our engineering development effort. And it should not be forgotten that both the hydrogen and the superheated steam represent a clean, safe fuel source.”
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
AlumiFuel Power, Inc. Highlights Size of Addressable Markets
The global hydrogen market is about $2.5 billion and growing at a rate of 16% per year. The U.S. share is $1.6 billion, while Europe is at $740 million. This market includes hydrogen generation, storage, distribution and dispensing devices. However, it is important to note that these numbers do not reflect market applications presently using older technologies which could be replaced by hydrogen-based systems and products. Included in this category are the following markets which are being aggressively pursued by API:
- $8 billion market for back-up and auxiliary power consisting of fossil-fuel generators and batteries -- which are ripe for being supplanted by portable and stationary fuel cells powered by hydrogen.
- $150 million market for weather balloons, about $75 million of which is spent on the actual lift gas, now transitioning from scarce helium to abundant and lighter hydrogen.
- $75 million market for Flameless Ration Heaters (FRHs) for military and commercial Meals-Ready-to-Eat (MRE) applications which today use magnesium-based powders that are inferior to aluminum-based powders in terms of performance and cost. Moreover, this number does not include a large emerging European military market for FRHs.
API’s other target hydrogen markets include the following:
- $50 million market for K-Cylinder replacement. This entails lining up industrial gas distributors who will have customers that would prefer API’s PBIS-1000 portable hydrogen generator (see API news release of February 9, 2010) to bulky and pressurized K-Cylinders for field applications, particularly in remote and inaccessible locations.
- $200 million market for international licensing. This entails licensing API’s intellectual property (patents and proprietary know-how) to partners in Europe and Asia for applications in those geographic regions.
- $125 million market in special defense applications. API is working with several companies in addressing new mission-critical applications which are made possible by the use of API’s unique technology as a breakthrough.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
AlumiFuel Power, Inc. Announces Update of Its Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Initiatives
API has begun advanced design work on a prototype steam generator for Navy UUV applications (see API news release of January 4, 2010). The steam generator is based on the same powerful chemical reaction currently used in the PBIS-1000 portable hydrogen generator (see API news release of February 9, 2010). In this application, however, the exothermic reaction between water and aluminum is used to superheat steam to drive a turbine providing underwater propulsion. The prototype steam generator/turbine system will be sized to generate a constant 100W for several days, and start and stop capabilities will be built into the system. The calculated system energy density of the steam generator/turbine, after taking into account the efficiency of each component, is 5-10 times greater than the lithium-ion batteries currently being used for Navy UUV and submersibles applications.
API is also exploring the use of the superheated steam/hydrogen to run thermoelectric converters/generators, and the use of the generated hydrogen to power a fuel cell during operational periods where the vehicle would have access to air.
Based on recent visits and demonstrations, API believes there is a growing recognition on the part of the Navy and several major defense prime contractors that API’s technology may be a viable replacement for (or adjunct to) batteries to power underwater vehicles. As a result, API and potential partners are exploring an increasing number of specific R&D program opportunities for 2010 and 2011 that would fund further development of this advanced fuel source technology, which would ultimately lead to procurement involving multiple Navy platforms.
API’s director of engineering, Sean McIntosh, said, “This technology is more than an incremental increase in energy density – it is a giant leap forward. With this technology, UUVs will have an enormous increase in operational range, allowing them to complete missions that are currently impossible with today’s battery solutions.”
Thursday, February 25, 2010
AlumiFuel Power, Inc. Provides Update on Its Flameless Ration Heater Initiatives
API has now completed the next level of testing of its Flameless Ration Heater (FRH) product. In addition to exceeding the heat output of the existing FRH, the API product does not have the metallic smell of the present magnesium powder-based FRHs, which represent a $36 million annual market for the U.S. military. API has presented its product concept and test results to key personnel in the Department of Defense, and is actively working with them to qualify API as a subcontractor to the three Meals-Ready-to-Eat (MRE) assemblers now supplying the U.S. military market.
In addition to further optimizing its powder mixture for FRH applications, API and its world class packaging partner, ActionPak (see API news release of February 19, 2010), have begun to develop the most cost effective production packaging configuration for the FRH. The two companies are jointly working to develop a novel packaging method that will increase the product’s performance, decrease cost, and be environmentally friendly.
In addition to developing the FRH for domestic military and civilian markets, API is positioning itself to introduce the product overseas. NATO countries use approximately $20 million worth of products equivalent to MREs annually. These meals either feature no heating system or use a hexamine tablet for heating, an expensive method requiring an open flame, which releases potentially dangerous gases such as cyanides and carbon monoxide, and leaves a sticky residue.
Military units in NATO countries have become familiar with U.S. military MREs/FRHs, and have been seeking independent sources of these products directly from distributors. This has caused NATO Ministries of Defense to consider adopting the U.S.-type MRE/FRH technology/products on a contractual basis. As a result of this growing interest, API and ActionPak are exploring specific near-term FRH procurement opportunities in Europe.
API’s Director of Engineering, Mr. Sean McIntosh, said “We are looking forward to commercializing this product on a worldwide scale. Heat generation is a very important part of API’s technology, and the knowledge that we have gained during the development of this FRH will be useful in the development of related products such as personal handwarmers.”
Friday, February 19, 2010
ActionPak, Inc. Begins Production of AlumiFuel Power, Inc.'s PBIS-1000 Cartridges
API’s 32-oz. cartridges, filled with aluminum powder and proprietary additives, are inserted into two reactor vessels on the PBIS-1000 to generate 1,000 liters of hydrogen in 20 minutes once water is pumped into the cartridges. API has designed the cartridge to withstand the necessary temperatures and pressures, while maintaining its integrity. API and ActionPak have devised and implemented a process to produce the cartridges efficiently and cost effectively. API’s PBIS-1000 portable hydrogen generator, along with ten cartridges, generates the same amount of hydrogen (5,000 liters) as a heavy and hard-to-handle K-Cylinder. By replacing highly pressurized K-Cylinders, API’s generator and cartridge-based system greatly reduces the cost and danger of transporting hydrogen, making the gas more readily available in remote and other inaccessible locations, as well as for portable applications.
Having the flexibility, capability, and capacity to produce the cartridges in high volumes, ActionPak agreed to manufacture API’s cartridges on an outsourcing basis. With ActionPak’s background, expertise, and versatility in military and commercial packaging, both companies are looking to create a long-term relationship and have already begun exploring options for the production of API’s Flameless Ration Heaters for military and commercial customers worldwide. (See API news releases of January 4, 2010 and December 21, 2009.)
API’s Director of Engineering, Mr. Sean McIntosh, said: “ActionPak is as excited as we are about the many new business opportunities emanating from this relationship. The proximity of their plant and their ability to quickly adapt to new requirements are an ideal match for API’s needs.”
About ActionPak, Inc.ActionPak (, a premier contract packaging and assembly company for more than 30 years, is located in a suburban Philadelphia Industrial Park. ActionPak has over 250,000 square feet of production and warehouse space, and a workforce of over 200 employees. The company services many major brands and Fortune 500 companies, helping to design, assemble and package products. ActionPak’s business is diverse, and to prevent cross contamination, Food, Beverage and Over the Counter products are kept in separate buildings from its Military, Industrial and Export packing businesses. Since it executes both U.S. Military and Foreign Military sales contracts, the company is thoroughly familiar with military handling and shipping requirements, and a resident
About AlumiFuel Power, Inc.
API ( is an alternative energy company that generates hydrogen gas and superheated steam for multiple niche applications requiring on-site, on-demand fuel sources, serving National Security and commercial customers. API’s hydrogen drives fuel cells for back-up and portable power, fills inflatable devices such as weather balloons, and can replace costly, hard-to-handle and high pressure K-Cylinders. Its hydrogen/steam output is also being designed and developed to drive turbine-based underwater propulsion systems and auxiliary power systems. API has significant differentiators in performance, adaptability, safety and cost-effectiveness in its target market applications, with no external power required and no toxic chemicals or by-products.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Milestone Reached.

Today's Company press release details the first successful sales of the PBIS-1000 Portable Balloon Inflation System to a unspecified Military customer. The rapid commercialization of Alumifuels technology bodes very well for investors taking part in this Ground Floor Opportunity.
Press Release 2-09-2010→
Early production stage hydrogen generation company AlumiFuel Power, Inc. (“API”), the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-based wholly owned operating subsidiary of AlumiFuel Power Corporation (OTCBB: AFPW), (the “Company”), announced today that it has received a Purchase Order for three units of its PBIS-1000 Portable Balloon Inflation System. The Purchase Order was received from Kaymont Consolidated Industries, Inc. of Long Island, New York – the world’s largest distributor of weather balloons and API’s partner for lift-gas applications – on behalf of an unspecified military customer. Following successful delivery of this initial order, the customer is expected to place an additional Purchase Order in the Second Quarter.
The PBIS-1000 recently was displayed at the Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society in Atlanta, where it generated considerable interest among potential customers. The majority of the PBIS-1000 manufacturing will take place at APEX Piping Systems, Inc., a large world class welding and manufacturing facility in nearby Delaware. (See API news releases of January 20, 2010, January 15, 2010, and December 30, 2009).
The PBIS-1000 is API’s first commercially available product. Incorporating feedback from the military customer, this fourth generation PBIS-1000 unit is a significant upgrade over prototype systems previously demonstrated to the customer over an 18-month period. The production unit has a simpler design with fewer components, and is lighter, more compact, more ruggedized for military applications, more user-friendly, and more cost-effective. Using a higher grade stainless steel construction with better corrosion properties and durable fluorocarbon rubber for all seals, the upgraded unit can better withstand required pressures and temperatures over its long expected lifetime. The reactor and water tanks, as well as all plumbing lines and connectors, have been optimized for weight, simplicity, and cost, and are stamped and certified with the ASME code – a standard requirement for commercial pressure vessels. The unit meets Mil Spec requirements for vibration, environmental and drop tests, and is housed in a molded polyethylene carrying case used regularly by the military.
In addition, a more effective packaging configuration of the company’s proprietary AlumiFuel cartridges increases the speed of the reaction and the hydrogen yield, while reducing cartridge cost. The versatile PBIS-1000 unit can produce 1,000 liters of hydrogen in 20 minutes at ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure using only two 32-oz. AlumiFuel cartridges.
The PBIS-1000 man-portable reactor and launching unit uses API’s proprietary AlumiFuel technology to produce hydrogen through the powerful chemical reaction of powdered aluminum, water and proprietary additives. The device requires only a simple water hand pump and two small AlumiFuel cartridges to propagate the reaction and generate sufficient lift gas to launch a 5-foot diameter weather balloon.
This API innovation, which enables on the spot generation of hydrogen without any external energy or toxic chemicals, is easier to use and is cheaper than current lift gas solutions. Traditionally, helium has been used as the primary lift gas, but with the increasing scarcity and cost of helium, users are rapidly switching to hydrogen. The API portable launching unit is far more mobile and cost-effective than other on-site hydrogen generation systems. The global market for lift gas fuel is approximately $70 million and growing, with more than 1,000,000 weather balloons and special purpose balloons launched annually for telecom relay, cloud height measurement and military/national security applications.
API’s Chief Technology Officer, Mr. John Boyle, one of the nation’s foremost hydrogen experts, said, “We have devoted significant technical talent, expertise and perseverance to develop this one-of-a-kind lift-gas system. The production unit, which is not available anywhere else in the world, represents a remarkable integration of mechanical, chemical, fluid and gas design elements.”
API’s President and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. David Cade, said, “This Purchase Order is the most significant milestone in the history of API. This first 'sale' is important in its own right, but in addition, other potential balloon lift-gas customers, including military and environmental/weather service users, are closely following the progress of these first operational units. Along with Kaymont Consolidated, we will be scheduling near-term demonstrations for this expanded customer base. The PBIS-1000 also enables us to demonstrate the applicability of our technology to other mobile, back-up, auxiliary and remote power applications in our target markets, feeding fuel cells and driving turbine-based underwater propulsion systems and generators.”
Source-, January 31, 2010
It's a Very Exciting time to be a Alumifuel Power Inc. Investor.

The company is expected to soon release important information which should have a Very Positive effect on the share price. Check out the best AFPW message board HERE⇛

Thursday, January 21, 2010
NEW Company Press Release.
Early production stage hydrogen generation company AlumiFuel Power, Inc. (“API”), the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-based wholly owned operating subsidiary of AlumiFuel Power Corporation (OTCBB: AFPW), (the “Company”), announced today that its Portable Balloon Inflation System-1000 (PBIS-1000) hydrogen generator is now available for purchase by military and meteorological service customers worldwide. Lift gas unit sales will be through Kaymont Consolidated, Inc. of Long Island, NY, the world’s largest weather balloon distributor, and API’s partner for lift gas applications.
API’s PBIS-1000, manufactured to API’s specifications by APEX Piping Systems, Inc., relies on the robust chemical reaction among aluminum, water, and proprietary additives. Operation of the generator is simple: two 32-oz. “aluminum can” cartridges, containing aluminum powder and proprietary additives, are inserted into two reactor vessels in the unit. Water is poured into the unit’s water tank, and a hand pump is then used to inject water into the cartridges, generating 1,000 liters of hydrogen in 20 minutes.
This fourth generation PBIS-1000 was designed and developed for lift gas operations based on feedback from an unspecified military customer following live demonstrations of earlier generations of the unit over an 18-month period. The PBIS-1000 is presently being displayed at the Kaymont booth at the annual American Meteorological Society Meeting in Atlanta.
The production unit has a simpler design with fewer components, and is lighter, more compact, more ruggedized for military applications, more user-friendly, and more cost-effective. Using a higher grade stainless steel construction with better corrosion properties and durable fluorocarbon rubber for all seals, the upgraded unit can better withstand required pressures and temperatures over its long expected lifetime. The reactor and water tanks, as well as all plumbing lines and connectors, have been optimized for weight, simplicity, and cost, and are stamped and certified with the ASME code – a standard requirement for commercial pressure vessels. The unit meets Mil Spec requirements for vibration, environmental and drop tests, and is housed in a molded polyethylene carrying case used regularly by the military.
For balloon filling applications, the unit replaces other lift gas sources such as increasingly scarce helium and hydrogen generated and delivered by other means such as K-Cylinders, and expensive steam reforming and electrolysis processes. The PBIS-1000 is ideal for remote or other locations where no external power is available and delivery of other hydrogen sources is difficult or impractical. The unit is priced at $15,000, with each cartridge priced at $20. The PBIS-1000 is sized to fill and launch weather and special purpose balloons that are 100g or larger (5 feet in diameter and up). A smaller unit, the PBIS-500, which uses one cartridge instead of two, is also available for pilot balloon applications (30g or 18 inches in diameter). The PBIS-500 unit is priced at $10,000, and the cans at $15.
While API’s hydrogen generator was initially designed for the remote inflation of weather balloons, the quality of hydrogen the reactor generates is easily adaptable to fuel cells and many other systems requiring remote/portable hydrogen. Currently, large, heavy and hard-to-handle steel “K-Cylinders” under very high pressures are used to transport and deliver hydrogen to customers. The PBIS-1000 unit instead relies on small unpressurized cartridges of aluminum powder and any available water source. This greatly reduces the cost and danger of transporting hydrogen, and makes hydrogen available to previously inaccessible locations.
Mr. David Cade, API’s President and Chief Executive Officer said: “This important milestone is the culmination of two years of intense engineering development by our technical staff. The PBIS-1000 is a one-of-a-kind product in the global hydrogen industry, and will have a far reaching impact on user’s applications requiring instant, cost-effective hydrogen for lift gas operations and small-scale remote and portable power.”
Parties interested in placing purchase orders should contact Mr. Paul Fetkowitz, Vice President of Kaymont Consolidated, at 1-800-644-6459. Parties interested in learning more about the PBIS-1000 technology, engineering and operations, should contact Mr. Sean McIntosh, API’s Director of Engineering, at 215-921-9203.
About Kaymont Consolidated Industries, Inc.
Kaymont Consolidated Industries, Inc. . founded in 1978, has been a provider of the highest quality meteorological balloons to the National Weather Service, U.S. military, and U.S. test ranges. Kaymont's vast experience and knowledge in the worldwide meteorological market make it ideally suited for marketing API’s technology to both military and civilian lift gas customers around the world. Kaymont Consolidated is also a leading global supplier of meteorological measuring devices used in military applications, and of humidity calibration chambers for use in various industries.
About Apex Piping Systems
Apex Piping Systems, Inc. is a world class fabricator of piping systems, skid modules, specialty fabrications and reactor vessels serving the Petro-Chemical, Air Separation, Nuclear, Hydrogen Fuel Cell, Gas Turbine, Bio-Fuel and other related industries. Their headquarters is located in Newport, Delaware, conveniently located off of Interstate 95, with close access to barge and rail transport. Their main engineering and manufacturing facility spans over 60,000 square feet, and features a world class 35,000-square-foot ASME code process pipe and pressure vessel fabrication shop. The company holds ASME “U”, “PP”, “S”, and NBIC “R” code stamp authorizations, and is certified by TUV SUD America to the European Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) and ISO ISO 9001:2000.
About AlumiFuel Power, Inc. (API)
API is an early production stage alternative energy company that generates hydrogen gas and superheated steam through the chemical reaction of aluminum, water, and proprietary additives. This technology is ideally suited for multiple niche applications requiring on-site, on-demand fuel sources, serving National Security and commercial customers. API’s hydrogen feeds fuel cells for portable and back-up power, fills inflatable devices such as weather balloons, and can replace costly, hard-to-handle and high pressure K-Cylinders. Its hydrogen/heat output is also being designed and developed to drive turbine-based underwater propulsion systems and auxiliary power systems, and as the fuel for flameless heaters/warmers. API has significant differentiators in performance, adaptability, safety and cost-effectiveness in its target market applications, with no external power required and no toxic chemicals or by-products. For more news and information on API, please visit .
About AlumiFuel Power Corporation
AlumiFuel Power Corporation acquired in May 2009 its wholly owned operating subsidiary AlumiFuel Power, Inc., a Philadelphia-based early production stage alternative energy company that generates hydrogen gas and steam for multiple niche applications requiring on-site, on-demand fuel sources. The Company also has been conducting biotechnology research, development and potential commercialization of technologies and products for new cancer therapeutic agents and cancer fighting drugs called targeted therapies.
AlumiFuel Power CorporationInvestor Relations:Thomas B. Olson, 303-796-8940Corporate SecretaryorPublic Relations:The Investor Relations Group (IRG)Mike Graff, 212-825-3210orTechnical Information & Marketing:API Laboratories, 215-921-9203
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
AlumiFuel Power, Inc. Updates Its Commercialization and Marketing Plans for 2010.

The PBIS-1000 hydrogen generator is now in production, and delivery of these operational units to customers is expected to begin shortly. (See API news release of December 30, 2009). This unit uses two 32oz.cartridges filled with API’s proprietary AlumiFuel powder mix to generate 1,000 liters of hydrogen as lift gas to launch a five-foot weather balloon in 20 minutes. The PBIS-1000 is a unique product, not available from any other source in the world; it enables cost-effective balloon launching from any remote or inaccessible location without having to rely on expensive electrolysis or steam reforming technologies, or on hard-to-handle and logistically difficult K-Cylinders. In fact, 10 of the 32oz cartridges generate 5,000 liters of hydrogen – the same as a K-Cylinder, and at far lower pressures.
The weather balloon market is pegged at $150-$200 million per year, and encompasses military as well as civil government meteorological users worldwide. API and its partner, Kaymont Consolidated of Long Island, NY – the world’s largest distributor of weather balloons – have demonstrated pre-production versions of the PBIS-1000 to customers, and the production unit reflects considerable customer feedback. Based on customer reaction, Kaymont and API expect to begin capturing significant market share in 2010, and believe the PBIS-1000 can become the field standard and product of choice. After purchasing PBIS-1000 hydrogen generators, customers will continue to purchase replacement cartridges sufficient for each generator to launch 500-1,000 balloons each year (1,000-2,000 cartridges). This is analogous to the razor/razor blade market dynamic.
Of equal importance to the weather balloon market, the PBIS-1000 can easily be tailored to feed fuel cells to generate electricity for back-up, stand-by, auxiliary and portable power. API is in discussions with several major fuel cell companies regarding specific applications. Small, portable fuel cell applications potentially represent an $8 billion annual market as fuel cells replace older technologies such as gensets and batteries. It should be noted that hydrogen provides 4-5 times the energy density (and hence operating time) of lithium batteries.
API has also completed development of a new generation of flameless heaters – which can heat rations, or fuel personal warmers. (See API news release of December 21, 2009). The most highly visible application in this genre is the Flamelss Ration Heaters (FRH) which heats MREs (Meals-Ready-to Eat) in about 20 minutes. The US Department of Defense (DoD) spends about $36 million annually on these heaters for MREs. Worldwide, this FRH market is about $70 million for military and commercial applications. The incumbent FRH provider to the DoD operates on a sole source basis using a magnesium powder-based mix. After considerable comparative testing in API’s laboratory, it is apparent that API’s AlumiFuel powder-based mix is superior in terms of heat generated per gram and time of heating, and is significantly cheaper. API now has a product ready for this market and is in a dialogue with the cognizant DoD offices to determine the appropriate path for market entry. API also is exploring various options for path-to-market partners to address the larger global market.
In addition to these market-ready applications, API and a major aerospace partner are continuing to pursue a longer-range, but highly important mission-critical undersea application for the U.S. Navy. Together with a major subsidiary of the world’s second largest aerospace & defense company (a Fortune-50 firm), API is in discussions with U.S. Navy R&D activities regarding appropriate programs to develop a prototype Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) propulsion system using API’s AlumiFuel-water reaction as the source of superheated steam to drive the aerospace firm’s turbines. Again, application of these combined technologies would be unique, and would replace very costly lithium-based batteries while providing 4-5 times the mission duration. The two companies are optimistic that this effort will lead to a new-start R&D program in 2010; of course, once such a new propulsion system is ready for the marketplace, actual system procurement would likely be measured in the billions of dollars.
API’s President and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. David Cade, said, “It is very gratifying to note that with our strong engineering development focus, we are at the forefront of commercializing this aluminum-water hydrogen generating technology, which in many instances is still a laboratory curiosity. We have successfully harnessed this technology for on-site, on-demand, real world hydrogen applications, embodied in real products for real customers. I am extremely proud of our superb technical team which has made this happen, and we are now looking forward to an unbroken string of successes in our target markets.”